Azoom RimfireAzoom Rimfire

A-Zoom Professional Metal
Rimfire Dummy Rounds and Snap-Caps

Prices shown are marked down 10%

A-Zoom Rimfire Action Proving Dummy Rounds

A-Zoom is pleased to add Rimfire action proving dummy rounds for use in gun testing and shooter training. A-Zoom dummies are precision CNC machined from solid aluminum and hard anodized (blue, except for item 12406 which is orange), ultra smooth and scratch resistant. These are not snap caps but rather functional dummies. They are unlike any product found in the market today. A-Zoom Rimfire dummies will find widespread use by anyone with a Rimfire firearm. They are ideal tools for hunter education and teaching our youth safe firearms training. Singles contain 1 round, full packs contain 6 rounds (except for item 12206 which contains 12 rounds, and item 12406 which contains 20 rounds).

Item IDDescription
[full pack]
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12202.17 HMR Dummy Rounds
12203.17 Mach 2 Dummy Rounds [LIMITED AVAILABILITY]
12282.17 Win Super Mag Dummy Rounds [LIMITED AVAILABILITY]
12208.22 LR Dummy Rounds
12206.22 LR Dummy Rounds (12 Pack)
12406.22 LR Dummy Rounds (20 Pack) [Orange]
12204.22 WMR Dummy Rounds

"Rimfire Snap Caps Disposable Polymer Snap Caps"

Pachmayr 22LR Rimfire Plastic Snap Caps

Packed in handy 24 packs, these Pachmayr snap caps are precisely molded from a resilient polymer for many safe, damage-free hammer drops. In fact, testing has shown that these snap caps can withstand up to 5-times as many hammer drops as the other "disposable" rimfire snap caps.

Item IDDescription
[full pack]
Shopping Cart
03200Polymer .22 LR Snap Caps [24 Pack]

*A single is one loose snap-cap, removed from a full pack.
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