Happy Holidays to You and Yours this Season!

NS-02 CYBER HOLIDAY IS OVER: Don't fret, the following discounts will be held over a bit longer--Order now, before I change my mind!
  1. 35% off select TacStar Tactical items [Click Here for TacStar Tactical]
  2. FREE Shipping on Trius Traps [Click Here for Trius Traps]
    • Sorry, limited to the contigious 48 states, and no PO Boxes.
  3. 25% off Lyman reloading equipment [Click Here for Lyman]
    • Plus an additional 10% off if Lyman subtotal over $250.
    • Some exclusions apply.
  4. Bore-Stores Storage Cases Marked Down [Click Here for Bore-Stores]
    • Includes the complete line.
    • Brand new sizes available.


PRICES ARE GOING UP: The carriers (USPS/UPS/FedEx) have raised their rates for 2014, and so have many of the manufacturers. It will take me a while to update our pricing online, so order now and lock in the current rates!

Shoot the bullseye ornaments and lights on this target for a splattering display, almost like shooting real glass targets, without all the mess. Shoot the presents under the tree to take a peak on what is inside.
Click here to order

- We're a Family Run, Veteran Owned Small Business -
Four generations of us will be getting together to enjoy the Holidays,
from a 4 year old Future General to a 90 year old World War II Veteran.

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Page last updated: Wednesday September 02 2015 Holiday Deals You hit this page: Monday February 17 2025