Kleen-Bore Shotgun Accessories

Classic Shotgun Cleaning Kit
Gun cloth not included--order separately
Classic Shotgun Cleaning Kits

Often copied, but never equaled! The Classic Kits feature some of the best made cleaning components in the industry, neatly nestled into a custom organizer tray and then securely packaged in a rugged, reusable polypropylene storage and carrying case. All classic kits include rod set, a 2 oz. bottle of cleaner lubricant, a double-ended nylon-bristle utility gun brush, slotted patch holder, and complete cleaning instructions. Kits are gauge specific and include the appropriate phosphore bronze bore brush, cotton mop, and cotton patches. The Classic Shotgun Kits come with a 32" multisection rod precision machined to exacting tolerances out of top quality aluminum stock.

Item IDStyleDescriptionPriceShopping Cart
SHO21612 GaugeClassic Shotgun Cleaning Kit38.88
SHO216(10)10 GaugeClassic Shotgun Cleaning Kit38.88
SHO216(16)16 GaugeClassic Shotgun Cleaning Kit38.88
SHO21720 GaugeClassic Shotgun Cleaning Kit38.88
SHO217(28)28 GaugeClassic Shotgun Cleaning Kit38.88
SHO217(410)410 GaugeClassic Shotgun Cleaning Kit38.88
NEW 12/20 Gauge Kit - includes 12 and 20 Gauge phoshor bronze bore brushes
Just add additional brushes to use with other Gauges (mops not included)
SHO12/2012/20 GaugeClassic Shotgun Cleaning Kit39.98
additional shotgun brushes
A18710 GaugeShotgun Phosphor Bronze Bore Brush2.91
A18612 GaugeShotgun Phosphor Bronze Bore Brush2.91
A18516 GaugeShotgun Phosphor Bronze Bore Brush2.91
A18420 GaugeShotgun Phosphor Bronze Bore Brush2.91
A16128 GaugeShotgun Phosphor Bronze Bore Brush2.91
A183410 GaugeShotgun Phosphor Bronze Bore Brush2.91
additional shotgun mops
MOP40.40 Cal./10mm/.410 Ga.Handgun/Rifle/Shotgun Cotton Bore Mop2.55
MOP224B.44-.50 Cal.Shotgun/Blackpowder Cotton Bore Mop -- BULK1.98
MOP22520/28ga./.54-.58 Cal.Shotgun/Blackpowder Cotton Bore Mop2.99
MOP22616/12/10ga/.69-.75 CalShotgun/Blackpowder Cotton Bore Mop2.99

NOTE: SHO216(10) and SHO216(16) start as a SHO216 with the brush replaced by The Pistoleer.

NOTE: SHO217(28) and SHO217(410) start as a SHO217 with the brush (and mop for 410) replaced by The Pistoleer.

The Classic Universal Kits allow the user the ability to clean an array of firearms. They have a high grade steel 30" multisection rod and include adapters for cleaning handguns, rifles, and shotguns. Because of their universal nature, bore brushes are sold seperately. The rods in the Saf-T-Clad kit have an epoxy thermal setting resin coating for the ultimate in bore protection.

Item IDStyleDescriptionPriceShopping Cart
SAF300UniversalSaf-T-Clad Cleaning Kit - Handguns/Rifles/Shotguns44.98
UK213UniversalClassic Cleaning Kit (Handguns/Rifles/Shotguns)35.68

Specialty Cleaning Kits

Valu-Pak Cleaning Kits

Valu-Pak Cleaning Sets: Truly an economy cleaning package equipped with popular Kleen-Bore hardware. Steel rod sets are featured in these kits because of their strength and durability. Also included in the rifle and shotgun cleaning kits is a muzzle guard, patch holder, phosphor bronze brush, and a 100% cotton mop. These are not included in VP60 because of its universal nature. Cleaning sets are packaged in a convienient, reusable, see-through clamshell. Perfect size to keep in your range bag.

Item IDStyleDescriptionPriceShopping Cart
Police Shotgun Cleaning Kit
PS5612 GaugePolice Shotgun Cleaning Kit (Originally $67.80)  (EXTRA SPECIAL PRICING) 49.98
Valu-Pak Sets - w/Reusable Clamshell Package
VP1212 GaugeValu-Pak Shotgun Cleaning Set29.98
VP2020 GaugeValu-Pak Shotgun Cleaning Set29.98
VP60UniversalValu-Pak Cleaning Set, Handgun/Rifle/Shotgun29.48

Universal Field Pack Cleaning Kit - w/ Black Case
Field Pack Cleaning Kits

A favorite of hunters, law enforcement, and the military, these compact, easy-to-carry kits go where you go. Everything needed for complete cleaning is included in the rugged nylon pouch (available in black, camo, or tan color) with belt keeper, Velcro closures and compartments for rod and accessories. In the field or on the range, these kits are compact enough to carry on the hunt if needed to remove impacted mud, snow, or a squib load. Components include multisection steel rod, slotted patch holder, accessory adapters, nylon bristle gun brush, slotted patch holder, bottle of cleaner lubricant, and cotton cleaning patches.

The Universal Kit includes attachments for handguns, rifles, and shotguns, but does not include any bore brushes.

Item IDStyleDescriptionPriceShopping Cart
POU300BBlackUniversal Field Kit - Handguns/Rifles/Shotguns29.98
POU300DCADigital Tan CamoUniversal Field Kit - Handguns/Rifles/Shotguns29.98
POU300DCMDigital CamoUniversal Field Kit - Handguns/Rifles/Shotguns29.98

SC225 ChamberMate Shotgun Cleaning Tool
ChamberMate Shotgun Cleaning Tool
Shotgun Cleaning Tools

The ChamberMate is great for cleaning powder fouling and plastic from chambers and choke area. The heavy-duty phosphor bronze brush with its tapered nose, is made to fit these difficult-to-clean areas. Have you ever tried to clean those little holes they call muzzle ports? This tool does it quickly, from the inside out. A rugged tool with a strong, rigid aluminum rod and sure-grip handle.

The Pistoleer highly recommends the ChamberMate and ClayMate tools for all serious shotgunners, or the occasional clay buster--you will wonder how you did without! .

SC205 ChamberMate Brush
ChamberMate Brush

Item IDStyleDescriptionPriceShopping Cart
ChamberMate Cleaning Tool - Cleans Chamber, Muzzle Ports, and Choke Tubes
SC22512 GaugeChamberMate Shotgun Cleaning Tool19.98
SC22620 GaugeChamberMate Shotgun Cleaning Tool19.98
ChamberMate Replacement Brush
SC20512 GaugeShotgun Chambermate Brush11.38

JAG234 Aluminum Jag
Aluminum Jag
Cleaning Patch Jags

Shooting experts prefer precision made jags. A metal jag, draped with a proper sized patch, completely covers the entire bore for efficient, through cleaning. For ease of use, Kleen-Bore's unique design incorporates a special barbed point at the tip of the jag. This barb secures the cleaning patch and prevents solvent soaked patches from falling off. These are simply the finest jags the Pistoleer has even seen!

Item IDStyleDescriptionPriceShopping Cart
Shotgun Cleaning Jags
JAG230.40/.41/.410/10mmBrass Jag4.10
JAG23320-16 GaugeAluminum Shotgun Jag5.98
JAG23412 GaugeAluminum Shotgun Jag5.98

Phosphor Bronze Bore Brushes
Phosphor Bronze Bore Brushes

Precision made for safe, effective removal of metal fouling and powder residues. Features straight (rather than crimped) wire bristles for more effective cleaning power. Packaged in solvent-resistant reusable tube or clamshell (except for bulk packed items), ideal for storing after use, help keep sizes organized for quick reference, and protected from being crushed.

Item IDStyleDescriptionPriceShopping Cart
A183410 GaugeShotgun Phosphor Bronze Bore Brush2.91
A183B410 GaugeShotgun Phosphor Bronze Bore Brush -- BULK  [SPECIAL ORDER--500 MINIMUM] 1.68
A16128 GaugeShotgun Phosphor Bronze Bore Brush2.91
A161B28 GaugeShotgun Phosphor Bronze Bore Brush -- BULK  [SPECIAL ORDER--500 MINIMUM] 1.68
A18420 GaugeShotgun Phosphor Bronze Bore Brush2.91
A184B20 GaugeShotgun Phosphor Bronze Bore Brush -- BULK1.87
A18516 GaugeShotgun Phosphor Bronze Bore Brush2.91
A185B16 GaugeShotgun Phosphor Bronze Bore Brush -- BULK1.87
A18612 GaugeShotgun Phosphor Bronze Bore Brush2.91
A186B12 GaugeShotgun Phosphor Bronze Bore Brush -- BULK1.87
A18710 GaugeShotgun Phosphor Bronze Bore Brush2.91
A187B10 GaugeShotgun Phosphor Bronze Bore Brush -- BULK  [SPECIAL ORDER--500 MINIMUM] 1.68

Black Nylon Bore Brushes
Black Nylon Bore Brushes

Rugged, stiff, black nylon bore brushes recommended by many major firearms manufacturers for bore cleaning. Compare their dense array of heavy-duty, thick bristles and see why they are so effective for even the toughest cleaning jobs! Packaged in solvent-resistant reusable tube or clamshell (except for bulk packed items), ideal for storing after use, help keep sizes organized for quick reference, and protected from being crushed.

Item IDStyleDescriptionPriceShopping Cart
A184N20 GaugeShotgun Nylon Bore Brush2.78
A184NB20 GaugeShotgun Nylon Bore Brush -- BULK  [SPECIAL ORDER--500 MINIMUM] 2.28
A186N12 GaugeShotgun Nylon Bore Brush2.78
A186NB12 GaugeShotgun Nylon Bore Brush -- BULK  [SPECIAL ORDER--500 MINIMUM] 2.28

Stainless Steel Bore Brushes
Stainless Steel Bore Brushes

Recommended for excessive leading, wad fouling and rust removal. As with all stainless steel brushes, use extreme care to avoid bore damage. Packaged in solvent-resistant reusable tube or clamshell (except for bulk packed items), ideal for storing after use, help keep sizes organized for quick reference, and protected from being crushed.

Item IDStyleDescriptionPriceShopping Cart
SS218B12 GaugeShotgun Stainless Steel Bore Brush -- BULK  [SPECIAL ORDER--500 MINIMUM] 2.20
SS219B20 GaugeShotgun Stainless Steel Bore Brush -- BULK  [SPECIAL ORDER--500 MINIMUM] 2.20

Twister Coiled Brushes
Twister Coiled Brass Bore Brushes

Unique spiral design of brass coil wire removes fouling safely and effectively. They are very effective for removing stuborn plastic, powder, and metal fouling from gun bores. Packaged in solvent-resistant reusable tube or clamshell (except for bulk packed items), ideal for storing after use, help keep sizes organized for quick reference, and protected from being crushed.

Item IDStyleDescriptionPriceShopping Cart
T32120 GaugeTwister Coil Bore Brush - Brass2.99
T317.410Twister Coil Bore Brush - Brass2.99

Cotton Bore Mops
100% Cotton Bore Mops

The natural absorbency of 100% cotton makes Kleen-Bore mops the best for safe cleaning & lubrication. Packaged in solvent-resistant reusable tube or clamshell (except for bulk packed items), ideal for storing after use, help keep sizes organized for quick reference, and protected from being crushed.

Item IDStyleDescriptionPriceShopping Cart
MOP1212 GaugeShotgun/Blackpowder Cotton Bore Mop3.77
MOP12B12 GaugeShotgun/Blackpowder Cotton Bore Mop -- BULK  [SPECIAL ORDER--500 MINIMUM] 2.61
MOP2020 GaugeShotgun/Blackpowder Cotton Bore Mop3.77
MOP20B20 GaugeShotgun/Blackpowder Cotton Bore Mop -- BULK  [SPECIAL ORDER--500 MINIMUM] 2.61
MOP40.40 Cal./10mm/.410 Ga.Handgun/Rifle/Shotgun Cotton Bore Mop2.55
MOP40B.40 Cal./10mm/.410 Ga.Handgun/Rifle/Shotgun Cotton Bore Mop -- BULK  [SPECIAL ORDER--500 MINIMUM] 1.78
MOP224B.44-.50 Cal.Shotgun/Blackpowder Cotton Bore Mop -- BULK1.98
MOP22520/28ga./.54-.58 Cal.Shotgun/Blackpowder Cotton Bore Mop2.99
MOP225B20/28ga./.54-.58 Cal.Shotgun/Blackpowder Cotton Bore Mop -- BULK1.98
MOP22616/12/10ga/.69-.75 CalShotgun/Blackpowder Cotton Bore Mop2.99
MOP226B16/12/10ga/.69-.75 CalShotgun/Blackpowder Cotton Bore Mop -- BULK1.98

Triple Sweep Bore Cleaners
Triple Sweep Bore Cleaners

A truly convient way to aquire three needed cleaning components for many caliber and gauge guns. Each Triple Sweep package contains the appropriate size phosphor bronze bore brush, cotton bore mop, and 100% cotton patches. An economical way to expand your cleaning accessories, as your gun collection grows. Also, an excellent complement to the Universal Cleaning Kit. Limited availability-order before we run out!

Item IDStyleDescriptionPriceShopping Cart
TP242410 GaugeTriple Sweep Bore Cleaner4.98
TP24320 GaugeTriple Sweep Bore Cleaner4.98

Protective Storage for all your Shotguns and Shotgun Barrels

Bore-Stores Shotgun Cases

*No additional discount on items marked EXTRA SPECIAL PRICING, SPECIAL ORDER, or CLEARANCE

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