Maglula Loaders / Unloaders for Pistol Magazines

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Since 2001, Maglula Ltd. Israel manufacture professional military-quality tools for loading and unloading magazines. Their products save valuable time at the range, field, and armory, and prevent pain associated with loading and unloading magazines. They also prevent damage to the magazine lips, therefore reducing weapon jams. They currently hold six US patents associated with magazine loaders.
UpLULA Maglula UP60P Maglula UP60BO Maglula UP60L Maglula UP60BG Maglula UP60B UP60DG - UpLULA

The UpLULA is a military-quality universal pistol magazine loader and unloader designed for loading and unloading virtually all* 9mm Luger up to .45ACP magazines, single and double stack and 1911's of all manufacturers. It will also load most .380ACP double-stack mags. The UpLULA™ loader does it all easily, reliably, and painlessly!

  • Loads all* 9mm Luger, .357 Sig, 10mm, .40, and .45ACP cal. single and double stack magazines., including 1911 mags, of all manufacturer, and also loads most .380ACP double-stack mags.
  • One size fits all. No inserts, spacers or adjustments at all ! (One SKU)
  • Easy loading; the rounds just drop in with no fingers pushing or pressing them. Maglula UP60B
  • No more pain ! Load hundreds of rounds painlessly.
  • Protects your fingers and mags.
  • Up to one round per sec. loading rate. 1/3 the time loading several mags compared with thumb loading.
  • Fits in hand and pocket, weighs only 72 grams (2.55 Ounce).
  • Highly durable.

Loads the following mags: Astra, Auto Ordnance, Barak, Beretta, Browning, Bul, Colt, CZ, EAA, FN, Glock, HK, Hi-Point, High Standard, Jericho, Kahr, Kel-Tec, Kimber, Les Baer, Llama, Luger, Magnum Research, Para Ordnance, Pheonix Arms, Ruger, Sigma, Sig/Sauer, S&W, Springfield Armory, Star, Steyr, Taurus, Vector, Walther, and more.

*The UpLULA does NOT load the following:

  • S&W 7rd 9mm SS (Beak too wide, does not enter between lips).   It will load the S&W Shield magazine !
  • Glock G36 6rd .45 SS (Single Stack) (Beak will not come out of mag.)
  • Kel Tec PMR-30 mags.
  • Rounds longer than 33mm, like: 9x23 Win, 38 Special, 357 Mag., 357 Max., 41/44 Rem. Mag., 44 S&W Special, 45 Colt, 45 Win. Mag., 50AE.
  • May not load the last round in few types of mags.
  • Mags with less than 8.0mm between their lips.

34.95 ea. (Black)

34.95 ea. (Dark Green)

34.95 ea. (Lemon)

34.95 ea. (Orange Brown)

34.95 ea. (Pink)
UP64B (Black)
UP64P (Pink)

The BabyUpLULA is a high-quality pistol magazine loader and unloader designed for loading virtually all* .22 LR to .380 ACP (9mm Short/Kurz) single-stack narrow-body < 1/2" mags which have normal / moderate angle of lips. It does so easily, reliably, and painlessly.

  • Loads .22LR, .25, .32 and .380ACP cal. single-stack narrow-body pistol mags of all manufacturers, having:
    • width of mag less than 1/2" (including any side-button), and
    • regular / moderate angle of lips (unlike Ruger's MK series mags).
  • Highly durable.
  • No inserts, spacers, or adjustments at all ! (One SKU)
  • Easy loading; the rounds just drop in with no fingers pushing or pressing them.
  • No more pain ! Load hundreds of rounds, painlessly.
  • Has a simple rounds' unloader feature too.
  • Protects your fingers and mags.
  • Up to one round per sec. loading rate. 1/3 the time loading mags compared with thumb-loading.
  • Fits in hand and pocket, weigh approx 42 grams (1.48 Ounce).

*The BabyUpLULA does NOT load the following:

  • Wide-body mags. > 1/2" , like Converted .22 mags. - Use 22UpLULA.
  • Mags with depth > 1 1/8" (1.125", 29mm).
  • Mags with a projecting follower button, like Ruger MKI, MKII, MKIII. - Use X10 V10 LULA; X12 T12 LULA
  • Colt ACE .22LR.
  • Glock 42 .380 - Use UpLULA.
  • Ruger LC380 - Use UpLULA.
  • SIG P290 .380 - Use UpLULA + preferably 1911AI.

34.95 ea. (Black)

34.95 ea. (Pink)
UP62B UP62B - 22UpLULA

The 22UpLULA loader & unloader is made for loading .22LR wide body mags. > 1/2", like .22LR 1911 mags and other .22LR converted mags. It has the body width of our UpLULA™ and has a narrower metal beak designed for .22LR rounds.

  • Highly durable.
  • No inserts, spacers, or adjustments at all ! (One SKU) Maglula UP62B
  • Easy loading; the rounds just drop in with no fingers pushing or pressing them.
  • No more pain ! Load hundreds of rounds, painlessly.
  • Has a simple rounds' unloader feature too.
  • Protects your fingers and mags.
  • Up to one round per sec. loading rate. 1/3 the time loading mags compared with thumb-loading.
  • Fits in hand and pocket.

*The 22UpLULA does NOT load the following:

  • Will not load .380 to .45 cal. mags. !
  • Tactical Solution 1911 SS 10rd - Aluminum mag.
  • Tactical Solution 10rd - Aluminum mag.

34.95 ea. 
UP65G Maglula UP65G Maglula UP65G Maglula UP65G Maglula UP65G Maglula UP65G UP65G - 1911AI

The 1911AI is an aligning insert add-on for the UpLULA™ and 22UpLULA™ loaders. It assist loading single-stack magazines by eliminating wiggling of the mag inside the loader. It's an insert to your existing loader, not a new loader. Best for:

  • .45ACP 1911 mags (Using the UpLULA™)
  • .40 cal 1911-wide mags. (Using the UpLULA™) Maglula UP65G
  • 9mm single-stack mags (Using the UpLULA™)
  • Converted .22LR 1911 mags (Using the 22UpLULA™)
  • The 1911AI™ is useful with mags of width less than 14.5mm (0.57"). Wider mags will not fit in.

If you are using single-stack magazine whether .45 cal. 1911, 9mm single-stack, or .22LR cal. converted 1911, as examples, we highly recommend that you use our new 1911AI™ Aligner Insert with your UpLULA™ or 22UpLULA™ loaders. With it single-stack magazine will not wiggle inside the wide body of said loaders. The 1911AI™ are packed two in a blister. You connect the 1911AI™ Aligner Insert to the ring of the loader and thereafter it can be 'clicked' to the bottom of the loader to narrow it when using single-stack magazines. You can easily release it when loading wide-body mags. Assists loading single-stack mags.

  • Eliminates mag wiggling in the loader
  • Speeds up loading
  • Highly reliable
  • Durable reinforced polymer

17.90 ea. 
XV80B Maglula XV80B Maglula XV80B Maglula XV80B Maglula XV80B XV80B - X10/V10 LULA

The X10-LULA™ and V10-LULA make up set of two loaders for loading .22LR cal. single-stack narrow mags with a projecting side-button, like:

  • Ruger MK I, II, III, 22/45 Maglula XV80B
  • Browning BuckMark
  • Beretta U22 NEOS
  • COLT Woodsman/Cadet
  • High-Standard .22
  • S&W 22A/22S (only X10-LULA™ will load well)

22.40 ea. 
XT83B Maglula XT83B Maglula XT83B Maglula XT83B Maglula XT83B XT83B - X12/T12 LULA

The X12-LULA™ and T12-LULA make up set of two loaders for loading .22LR cal. single-stack wider mags with a projecting side-button, like:

  • Walther P22 / G22 / PPQ Maglula XT83B
  • Ruger SR22
  • COLT 1911 .22 (can also use the BabyUpLULA™)
  • S&W M&P .22 compact
  • S&W M&P .22 10rd & 12rd (can also use the BabyUpLULA™)
  • Walther PPK/S .22 (only the T12-LULA™)

19.70 ea. 

Click here for HKS Pistol Magazine Speed Loaders - another great line we carry

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