Custom Targets & Blank Target Paper

If you have a need for a specialized target of your own design, we might be able to help you. To be cost effective there are certain minimums that will need to be met. Call or email me with the details, and I'll get back to you with some numbers.

Roughly speaking, there is a setup fee of approximately $150, plus a one-time plate fee of approximately $120, plus the cost of the targets. The cost of the targets is generally a bit more than a comperable non-custom target (same size and color), but the minimum purchase is approximately $600 (not including the setup and plate fees). Final form of the artwork would be required (high resolution EPS format), or a CAD artist would have to be hired and added to your costs.

For just a color change, there is no setup or plate fee, but the minimum purchase requirement still applies. The standard colors are black, orange, red, blue, and green--other colors may be possible. The cost of color targets is roughly 10% more than that of same target in black.

Changing from paper to tagboard, or tagboard to paper, generally requires a minimum purchase of 500 (large targets) to 4000 (small targets). Custom printing on cardboard generally has a minimum of 2500 to 5000 targets and must be shipped motor freight.

$1250 of paper targets will get free shipping (48 states). Prepayment is required on all custom orders.

Keep in mind that custom targets will not be official NRA, and are not retunable nor refundable.

Item IDA.K.A.Size/StyleDescriptionPriceShopping Cart
New from Shoot-N-C, Blank printable sheets that react with a white ring
PrintNCSNC3 SheetsPrint-N-C 8.5" x 11" Blank Reactive Targets11.19

Blank Printer Size Target Paper

Same buff color paper as the official NRA targets, in standard printer sizes.
Be creative, print your own custom targets!

Item IDA.K.A.Size/StyleDescriptionPriceShopping Cart
BLANK(8.5x11)(P)~8½" x 11" (P)
Blank Target Paper - 100 pack3.98
BLANK(8.5x11)(T)~8½" x 11" (T)
Blank Tagboard (Heavy Paper) - 100 pack6.98
BLANK(11x17)(P)~11" x 17" (P)
Blank Target Paper - 100 pack7.98
BLANK(11x17)(T)~11" x 17" (T)
Blank Tagboard (Heavy Paper) - 100 pack14.38

NOTE: The equivalent bond weight is 19# for (P) and 31# for (T)--converted from a typical tag weight of 44# for (P) and 72# for (T). Bond is based on 500 sheets of 17" x 22"; tag is based on 500 sheets of 24" x 36". Bond is the weight basis used for standard reams of copy paper that you buy at the office store. These weights should not be considered exact, and can vary between runs, between manufacturers, and with differences in moisture content.

Blank Paper Target Backers

Backing targets are required in NRA sanctioned rifle tournaments, their purpose being to eliminate the possibility of a crossfire being scored.
Backers are placed in frames behind the record target at varying distances depending on the range being fired and the distance between firing points.

Item IDA.K.A.Size/StyleDescriptionPriceShopping Cart
10½" x 12" (T)
50 Foot Paper Target Backer - 100 pack9.98
14" x 16" (T)
50 Yard/50 Meter Paper Target Backer - 100 pack17.98
14" x 28" (T)
100 Yard/100 Meter Paper Target Backer - 100 pack26.38

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