Zombie Targets -- Barricade your doors, They're Here!

Click images for more gory detail. Scroll down for many more.
Photo Realistic Zombies
Poster size 23" × 35"
Zombie Man Zombie Woman
Zombie Man
Zombie Woman

Full Color Life Size Zombie Targets. Poster size 22-1/2" × 35"
(NTZ-600 is 27-3/4" x 41-3/4") Available Now!
Zombie Man at night Zombie Young Man
Zombie Man
Zombie Young Man
Zombie Soldier Zombie w/ brain outlined and hostage
Zombie Soldier
Hostage Situation
11.99 Sampler [3 each: NTZ Targets]

23.99 Pack 25 [6 each: NTZ Targets]

Zombie Dot™ Targets. - Peel and stick 8" diameter targets.
Attorney Slaughter Kreepy Klown
Attorney Slaughter
Zombie Suit
6.98/10 pack
Kreepy Klown
Zombie Clown
6.98/10 pack
Frank Zapped Butchered Cassidy
Frank Zapped
Zombie Pirate
6.98/10 pack
Butchered Cassidy
Zombie Cowboy
6.98/10 pack

Halloween Targets
Halloween Target Assortment
Halloween Target Assortment
H_AP (25 ea.)
13.20/100 pack
H_SAMP (3 ea.)
3.99/12 pack

Birchwood Casey Darkotic® Humanoid Splattering HeadShots.
Adhesive 12" square. These have been discontinued, so order now while we still have some!
LastLaugh WindowPain

Birchwood Casey Darkotic® Splattering Targets. If the same old paper targets, printable targets, cardboard targets or reactive steel targets leave you cold, you'll love Darkotic novelty targets. Each hit on these splattering targets triggers a micro-explosion, resulting in a white halo around the bullet hole. You'll instantly know where your bullet went. 12" × 18" full-color images. Discontinued, soon they will be all truly dead.
Darkotic Splattering Target Darkotic Splattering Target Darkotic Splattering Target
Special Delivery (S)
Shopping Spree (S)
Fine Print (S)
Darkotic Splattering Target Darkotic Splattering Target Darkotic Splattering Target
Primal Cut (S)
Blood Trail (S)
Drain Pipe (S)
Darkotic Splattering Target Darkotic Splattering Target
Go Fetch (S)
Smoke House (S)
Darkotic Snack Rabbit Splattering Target Darkotic Grounds Crew Splattering Target
Snack Rabbit (S)
Grounds Crew (S)
Darkotic Final Harvest Splattering Target Darkotic Dead Rover Splattering Target Darkotic Solar Threat Splattering Target
Final Harvest (S)
Dead Rover (S)
Solar Threat (S)

Darkotic® Non-Splattering Plain Paper Targets. These poster size 23" × 35" extra large images are printed on heavy brilliant white paper, so you can get up close and personal. You can almost smell the rot! When you're done shooting, take the targets home and use them to keep kids off your lawn. Remember, it takes a head shot to stop them cold. Most have been discontinued, so get'em while they are still creepy.
Darkotic Plain Paper Target Darkotic Night Watch Paper Target Darkotic Snack Rabbit Paper Target
Drain Pipe (P)
Night Watch (P)
Snack Rabbit (P)
Darkotic Paper Target Darkotic Paper Target Darkotic Paper Target
Blood Drive (P)
Crawl Space (P)
Buzz Kill (P)
Darkotic Paper Target Darkotic Dead Sea Paper Target Darkotic Freezer Burn Paper Target
House Guest (P)
Dead Sea (P)
Freezer Burn (P)
Darkotic Farm Hand Paper Target
Farm Hand (P)

Item IDSizeDescriptionPriceShopping Cart
Darkotic Splattering Sampler -- rolled, not folded
Darkotic(S)SamplerDarkotic Sampler (one each of the available 12" x 18" splattering Darkotic targets)29.97
Darkotic Paper Sampler -- rolled, not folded
Darkotic(P)SamplerDarkotic Sampler (one each of the available 23" x 35" paper Darkotic targets)19.97

Darkotic = Dark Psychotic = Zombies
How would you like them bagged? Paper or Splattered?

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