Shooting regulation paper targets are a good way to quantify your skills, but you need a stand to hold them.
You are not suppose to shoot the stands, but no matter how good you are some shots will be fliers.
Bullets will go through practically anything that is not thick heavy steel.
Steel is expensive, very heavy, and many ranges do not allow any solid metal objects down range due to fear of a bullet being deflected.
Wood won't stop a bullet, but it can take many unintentional hits and still be usable (depending on ballistics, and luck).
Wooden target stands are light and easy to transport, the chips are biodegradable (unlike plastic),
and replacement parts can be found inexpensively at any home store, plus you don't need a welder to build or repair it.
Detailed diagram and instruction sheet FREE with any order!* |
Or send SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope) to:, 12 Schiber Court, Maryville, IL 62062 |
* Online without order or mail in without SASE, nonrefundable S&H charge.
WARNING: All shooters and spectators should wear
hearing and eye protection whenever target shooting.
Bullet deflections are always possible, and could
result in injury or death. Keep target stand at a
safe distance from shooter and all spectators.
There is no warranty, stated or implied, regarding
the use of this target stand. By using this stand,
you assume all liability from injury, property
damage, or otherwise, regardless if caused by
design, materials, instructions, or otherwise.
Page last updated: Wednesday September 02 2015 |
You hit this page: Tuesday February 18 2025 |